New data on African Cheloninae (Hymenoptera, Braconidae) show a strong biogeographic signal for taxa with spined propodea

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:2012
Authors:Y. Braet, Rousse, P., Sharkey, M. J.
Start Page:1
Date Published:07/2012
Keywords:apophysis, description, Indian Ocean, keys, Madagascar, new combinations, spine-like

<p>Eight species of Cheloninae (Hymenoptera, Braconidae) are newly described: Ascogaster kibalensis Braet sp. nov., Chelonus&nbsp;(Chelonus) mayi Braet &amp; Rousse sp. nov., Chelonus (Microchelonus) madagasakarensis Braet &amp; Rousse sp. nov., Chelonus&nbsp;(Microchelonus) matilei Braet &amp; Rousse sp. nov. Chelonus (Microchelonus) merdicus Rousse &amp; Braet sp. nov., Odontosphaeropyx gracilis Braet sp. nov., O. leucocoxus Braet sp. nov., and Phanerotomella erena Braet sp. nov. They are all from the&nbsp;Malagasy subregion and several of them share the presence of spine-like apophyses on the propodeum. This character is categorized for future phylogenetic use. The genus Pachychelonus Brues, 1924 is recognized as junior synonym of the genus Odontosphaeropyx Cameron, 1910. Three new combinations are proposed Odontosphaeropyx&nbsp;maximus (Zettel, 2002) comb. nov., O.&nbsp;fulviventris (Brues, 1924) comb. nov. and O. flavifasciatus (Zettel, 1990a) comb. nov. for Pachychelonus maximus Zettel, 2002,&nbsp;P. fulviventris Brues, 1924 and P. flavifasciatus Zettel, 1990a, respectively. Updated keys of species Phanerotomella and Odontosphaeropyx are provided. New distribution data about Cheloninae from Africa are also given.</p>
Refereed Designation:Refereed
Thu, 2011-12-15 11:20 -- YBRAET
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