Caenopachys hartigii (Ratzeburg)(Hymenoptera: Braconidae: Doryctinae) confirmed for Italy, with notes on the status of the genus Caenopachys Foerster

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:2003
Authors:D. Mancini, Priore, R., Battaglia, D., van Achterberg, C.
Journal:Zoologische Mededelingen Leiden
Keywords:Braconidae, Bulgaria, C. hartigii, Caenopachys, Dendrosoter, Doryctinae, Europe, france, Hymenoptera, Italy, Morocco, new combina- tion, West Palaearctic

The Palaearctic species Caenopachys hartigii (Ratzeburg, 1848) has been collected in the National Park of Pollino (S Italy), which is the first exact confirmation for the Italian fauna. A brief nomenclatural history of the genus Caenopachys Foerster, 1862, is given, its status is discussed and it is elevated from synonymy. The type species is re-described and illustrated; a key to both West Palaearctic species is given, and some biological notes are added.

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