Chelonus Jurine (Hymenoptera: Braconidae: Cheloninae) Species of the Marmara Region

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:2002
Authors:A. Mitat
Journal:Turk J Zool
Keywords:Braconidae, Cheloninae, Chelonus, Marmara region, Turkey

The genus Chelonus Jurine (Hymenoptera: Braconidae: Cheloninae) species in the Marmara region of Turkey are defined, 12 species recorded and a key to species is provided. Of these species, Chelonus asiaticus Telenga, Chelonus bidens Tobias, Chelonus canescens Wesmael, Chelonus microsomus Tobias, Chelonus oculator (Panzer), Chelonus ocellatus Alexeev, Chelonus scabrator (Fabricius), Chelonus smirnovi Telenga, Chelonus szepligetii Dalla Torre, Chelonus tuberculifer Tobias, and Chelonus varimaculatus Tobias are new records for Turkey and Chelonus inanitus (Linnaeus) is a new record for the Marmara region of Turkey.

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