New species and records of the genus Chelonus Panzer, 1806 (Braconidae: Cheloninae) from China

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:2006
Authors:H. - Y. Zhang, Chen, X. - X., He, J. - H.
Keywords:Areselonus, Baculonus, Braconidae, Cheloninae, Chelonus, China, Megachelonus, new species

Three subgenera of Chelonus Panzer (1806): Areselonus Braet (1999), Baculonus Braet & van Achterberg (2001) and Megachelonus Baker (1926) are recorded for the first time from China. The species of Chelonus (Areselonus) chailini Walker & Huddleson is reported for the first time, and new host information is provided. The subgenus of Baculonus Braet & van Achterberg, 2001 has been recorded only from the Neotropical region before this study. Chelonus (Baculonus) icteribasis sp. nov., represents the first record of this group from the Old World. Two new species of subgenus Megachelonus, i.e., C. (M.) macros sp. nov. and C. (M.) longqiensis sp. nov., are described from China. A key to the six currently known Megachelonus species is included to facilitate future identifications.

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