Revision of the genus Tropobracon Cameron (Hymenoptera: Braconidae)

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:1993
Authors:C. van Achterberg
Journal:Zoologische Mededelingen Leiden
Keywords:Afrotropical, biology, Braconidae, Braconinae, Chilo, Coniesta, distribu-, Hymenoptera, key, Maliarpha, millet wheat, Oriental, Pyralidae, rice stem borer, Scirpophaga (Pyralidae), Sesamia (Noctuidae), tion, Tropobracon

The genus Tropobracon Cameron, 1905 (Braconidae: Braconinae) is revised and its species are keyed. The type species is re-described and fully illustrated. lwo new species are described: T. comorensis spec, nov. from the Comores and T. infuscatus spec. nov. from Hong-Kong. Bracon dorsalis Matsumura, 1910 and Tropobracon luteus var. indica Ramakrishna Ayyar, 1928 are synonymized with T. luteus Cameron,

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