Lycaenidae (in english)

German, Espanol, Français

The Lycaenidae family has approximately 5200 species in the world (Lamas, 2011). It is divided in six subfamilies: Curetinae, Poritiinae, Miletinae, Lycaeninae, Polyommatinae, Theclinae.

In French Guiana, two subfamilies are represented: Polyommatinae with two species (Leptotes cassius and Hemiargus hanno) and Theclinae with at least 238 species (Faynel, 2010).

The Theclinae are small-sized butterflies (most species have a wing span under 4 cm across), with cryptic markings on the underside, which often can be used to distinguish species.  Males often have iridescent blue scales on the dorsal surface that can be as brilliantly blue as Morpho scales. They usually have a small filamentous tail at the end of hindwing vein Cu2, but may also have another tail at the end of vein Cu1 (and in a few cases a third tail). 
Males perch on leaves at the tops of hills or near rivers, always in a sunny place, ready to “defend” their territory with a vigorous flight if another male enters it.
Theclinae biology in French Guiana is poorly known, but the caterpillars of some species live in association with ants (myrmecophily). Larvae eat leaves, flower buds, flowers, or fruits.  The caterpillars of many species eat detritus.

The large number and variety of Theclinae reflects the wealth of biodiversity in French Guiana.  Many species have pollen attached to their bodies, especially the legs, suggesting that they may act as pollinators in tropical forests.

 [Text and identifications Ch. FAYNEL, pictures S. BRULE, English translation checked by R. K. ROBBINS]

Lycène Guyane Faynel


 List of French Guiana Eumaeini (238 species)

I initiated a barcoding project (NLYC) with the Canadian Barcode of Life Data System (BOLD: in October, 2010.  The Smithsonian Department of Entomology, represented by Dr Robbins (curator), has been collaborating with me since June, 2013.

The main objectives are :
- associate the sexes for species in genera in which it is otherwise difficult to do so (Oenomaus, Strephonota, etc...),
- provide more data the relations between species and the generic placement of some species which is not satisfactory at the moment,
- have a more precise idea of the exact number of species in French Guiana especially for difficult groups such as the genera Calycopis, Theritas and Olynthus,
- estimate the intraspecific variability by comparing sequences of species coming from French Guiana and from Iquitos in Peru, more than 1000 km far,
- combine genetic and phylogenetic analyses for future revisions of genus.

I thank all the SEAG members, in particular Stéphane Brûlé and Serge Fernandez, for their help.
I also thank J.-Y. Gallard, F. Bénéluz, O. Morvan, J. Cerda, T. Rosant, T. Yatcha, P. Ducaud, C. Castelain, A. Audureau for their gifts.

Christophe Faynel."

Link to the Taxonomy of Lycaenidae

Sun, 2014-12-21 16:29 -- YBRAET
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith