Some taxonomic notes on named Rogas Nees species (Hymenoptera: Braconidae: Rogadinae) for the New World

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:2006
Authors:A. A. Valerio
Journal:Metodos en Ecologia y Sistematica
Keywords:a series of type, abstract, Aleiodes, aleiodes wesmael and triraphis, delimitations proposed by achterverg, genus rogas nees were, in 1991 for, nees, nuevo mundo, revised under the new, ruthe, specimens from the new, the rogadine genera rogas, tipos, to the, triraphis, world were previously assigned

A series of type specimens from the New World were previously assigned to the genus Rogas Nees were revised under the new delimitations proposed by Achterverg in 1991 for the rogadine genera Rogas Nees, Aleiodes Wesmael and Triraphis Ruthe.

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