Nota sobre Xorides Latreille (Ichneumonidae, Hymenoptera) no Brasil 1

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:1995
Authors:V. Graf
Journal:Revista Brasiliera de Zoologia
Keywords:Brasil, distribution, Ichneumonidae, morphology, Xorides

The Xoridinae with four genera are nearly cosmopolitan and Xorides are mainly Holartic in distribution. This genus has in South America three subgenera with four species, X. (Xorides) xanthisma Porter, 1975, X. (Pyramirhyssa) magnificus (Mocsáry. 1905), X. (Periceros) plumicornis (Smith, 1877) and X. (Periceros) euthrix Porter, 1975. The males of X. magnificus and X. xanthisma are described. Xorides euthrix and X. xanthisma are for the first time registered from Brazil. Comments are made on the morphology and distribution is registered for the eastern Brazil. Alphus sp. Cerambycidae, is the host of X. euthrix.

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