Taxonomic reclassification of the East Asian species of the genus Oncophanes Förster (Hymenoptera: Braconidae, Rhyssalinae)

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:2004
Authors:S. A. Belokobylskij
Journal:Proceedings of the Russian Entomological Society. St. Petersburg
Keywords:Braconidae, Exothecinae, Hymenoptera, new genera, oncophanes, reclassifica-, Rhyssalinae

The East Asian species of the genus Oncophanes Förster are revised. Two new genera and one new subgenus are described: Tobiason gen. n. (type species Oncophanes pronotalis Belokobylskij et Ku) and Koreophanes subgen. n. of the genus Oncophanes Förster (type species Oncophanes puber sp. n.) in the subfamily Rhyssalinae, and Aulosaphanes gen. n. (type species Oncophanes suturalis Belokobylskij) in the subfamily Exothecinae (Lysitermini). Three Asian species are transferred from Oncophanes to the genus Lysitermoides Achterberg: O. rugosus Telenga, 1941, O. compsolechiae Watanabe, 1970 (stat. res- surr.) and O. makarkini Belokobylskij, 1996. A new synonym is given: O. compsolechiae Watanabe, 1970 = O. striatus Belokobylskij, 1998, syn. n. A new combination is proposed: Colastes (Xenarcha) tenuipes Tobias, comb. n. Identification keys for the East Asian genera of the subfamily Rhyssalinae, the species of the genera Lysitermoides and Oncophanes, and all genera of the subtribe Acanthormiina (Lysitermini, Exothecinae) are provided.

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