Revisionary notes on the genus Bentonia van Achterberg, 1992 (Hymenoptera: Braconidae: Orgilinae) with description of new species

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:1998
Authors:Y. Braet, Tignon M.
Journal:Zoologische Mededelingen Leiden
Keywords:Bentonia, Braconidae, key, Mexico, Orgilinae, Peru, Venezuela

<p>Two new species of the genus Bentonia van Achterberg, 1992 (Braconidae: Orgilinae) (B. inca from Peru and B. xochiquetzalis from Mexico) are described and partly illustrated. A third undescribed species was found for which some characters are listed. The distribution of B. scutellaris van Achterberg,1992, is extended west to Peru and B. longicornis van Achterberg, 1992, north to Venezuela. An identification key is added.</p>

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