Hyménoptères Crabronidae Crabroniens néotropicaux des genres Chimila Pate, 1944, Foxita Pate, 1942, Pae Pate, 1944, et Parataruma Kimsey, 1982.

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:2005
Authors:J. Leclercq
Journal:Notes fauniques de Gembloux
Keywords:Chimila, Crabronidae, Crabronini, Foxita, Hymenoptera, Pae, Parataruma. Neotropical Region

Genus Chimila Pate, 1944 : a new key to the species; new records and first indication of a xylicolous behaviour; description of Chimila cerdai Leclercq, sp n. (French Guyana) and hondurana Leclercq, sp. n. (Belize). New data for species of Foxita Pate, 1942, Pae Pate, 1944, and Parataruma Kimsey, 1982.

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