The Genus Minanga Cameron (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) in China, with Description of a New Subgenus and Species

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:2010
Authors:J. - L. Tan, He, J. - H., Chen, X. - X.
Journal:Annals of the Entomological Society of America
Keywords:biogeography, Minangini, Oriental, Palearctic, sigalphinae

<p>Anewspecies of MinangaCameron(Hymenoptera: Braconidae: Sigalphinae), Minanga brevicarinata Tan&amp;Chen, sp. nov., from China is described and illustrated. Previously known mainly from the Afrotropical region (eight species), with one species recently described from the Nearctic region, the genus is recorded for the &THORN;rst time from the boundary of Palearctic and Oriental regions. Anewsubgenus, Anopliminanga subgen. nov., is proposed to includetwospecies (Minanga achterbergi Sharkey and Minanga brevicarinata sp. nov.). A key to species of the genus Minanga is updated. The distribution of Minanga and the new subgenus are brie&szlig;y discussed</p>

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