Comparative mitogenomics of Braconidae (Insecta: Hymenoptera) and the phylogenetic utility of mitochondrial genomes with special reference to Holometabolous insects.

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:2010
Authors:S. -jun Wei, Shi, M., Sharkey, M. J., van Achterberg, C., Chen, X. - X.
Journal:BMC genomics
Accession Number:20537196
Keywords:Animals, AT Rich Sequence, AT Rich Sequence: genetics, Base Composition, Base Sequence, Evolution, Molecular, Gene Rearrangement, Gene Rearrangement: genetics, Genome, Mitochondrial, Genome, Mitochondrial: genetics, Genomics, Hymenoptera, Hymenoptera: genetics, Male, Molecular Sequence Data, phylogeny

Animal mitochondrial genomes are potential models for molecular evolution and markers for phylogenetic and population studies. Previous research has shown interesting features in hymenopteran mitochondrial genomes. Here, we conducted a comparative study of mitochondrial genomes of the family Braconidae, one of the largest families of Hymenoptera, and assessed the utility of mitochondrial genomic data for phylogenetic inference at three different hierarchical levels, i.e., Braconidae, Hymenoptera, and Holometabola.

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