
Authorssort descendingYearTitle
F. VITALI, TOUROULT J.2006Contribution à la connaissance des états pré-imaginaux des longicornes des Canaries (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Lamiinae)
F. VITALI, TOUROULT J.2005Contribution à la connaissance des larves des longicornes des Antilles françaises (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae)
H. Vårdal, Taeger A.2011The life of René Malaise: from the wild east to a sunken island
K. L. Walker2006Impact of the Little Fire Ant, Wasmannia auropunctata, on Native Forest Ants in Gabon1
A. K. Walker, Wharton R. A.2011A review of New World Eurytenes s. str. (Hymenoptera, Braconidae, Opiinae)
A. C. Walters, Mackay D. A.2005Importance of large colony size for successful invasion by Argentine ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae): Evidence for biotic resistance by native ants
M. -man Wang, Tan, J. - L., He, J. - H., Chen, X. - X.2009The genus Eodendrus Belokobylskij (Hymenoptera, Braconidae, Doryctinae) from China, with description of a new species
Y. - P. Wang, Chen, X. - X., Wu, H., He, J. - H.2010Two genera of Braconinae (Hymenoptera, Braconidae) in China, with descriptions of four new species
Y. - P. Wang, Shi, M., Chen, X. - X., He, J. - H.2009The genus Atanycolus Foerster (Hymenoptera, Braconidae, Braconinae) in China, with description of one new species
S. -jun Wei, Shi, M., Sharkey, M. J., van Achterberg, C., Chen, X. - X.2010Comparative mitogenomics of Braconidae (Insecta: Hymenoptera) and the phylogenetic utility of mitochondrial genomes with special reference to Holometabolous insects.
T. Wenseleers, Ratnieks, F. L. W., Billen, J.2003Caste fate conflict in swarm-founding social hymenoptera: an inclusive fitness analysis.
S. M. Werner, Raffa K. F.2000Effects of forest management practices on the diversity of ground-occurring beetles in mixed northern hardwood forests of the Great Lakes Region
R. A. Wharton2009Two new species of Psyttalia Walker (Hymenoptera, Braconidae, Opiinae) reared from fruit-infesting tephritid (Diptera) hosts in Kenya
J. B. Whitfield1998Phylogeny and evolution of host-parasitoid interactions in Hymenoptera
J. B. Whitfield, Cameron S. A.1998Hierarchical analysis of variation in the mitochondrial 16S rRNA gene among Hymenoptera.
J. B. Whitfield, Choi, W. - Y., Suh, K. - I.2004Andesipolis, a puzzling new genus of cyclostome Braconidae (Hymenoptera) from the Chilean Andes, with descriptions of three new species
J. B. Whitfield, Rodriguez, J. J., Masonick, P. K.2009Reared microgastrine wasps (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) from Yanayacu Biological Station and environs (Napo Province, Ecuador): diversity and host specialization.
D. W. Williams, Liebhold A. M.2002Climate change and the outbreak ranges of two North American bark beetles
K. WOLFE, BENELUZ F.1997Copiopteryx jehovah and its immature stages (Lepidoptera : Saturniidae: Arsenurinae)
N. E. WOODLEY, TOUROULT J.2012Recognition of Chrysobothris thoracica guadeloupensis Descarpentries, 1981 at the species level (Coleoptera: Buprestidae)
A. York2000Long-term effects of frequent low-intensity burning on ant communities in coastal blackbutt forests of southeastern Australia
M. Yoshimura, Fisher B. L.2011A revision of male ants of the Malagasy region (Hymenoptera: Formicidae): Key to genera of the subfamily Dolichoderinae
A. Zaldivar-Riverón, Belokobylskij S. A.2009The parasitic wasp genus Hecabolus (Hymenoptera: Braconidae: Doryctinae), with the description of a new species from Mexico
A. Zaldivar-Riverón, Belokobylskij, S. A., Leon-Regagnon, V., Martínez, J. J., Briceno, G. R. A., Quicke, D. L. J.2007A single origin of gall association in a group of parasitic wasps with disparate morphologies
A. Zaldivar-Riverón, DE JESÚS-BONILLA V. S.2010Redescription of species of the Neotropical parasitoid Notiospathius Mathews et Marsh (Braconidae: Doryctinae) based on their nineteenth and early twentieth century types
A. Zaldivar-Riverón, Martínez, J. J., Ceccarelli, F. S., DE JESÚS-BONILLA, V. S., Rodríguez-Pérez, A. C., Reséndiz-Flores, A., Smith, M. A.2010DNA barcoding a highly diverse group of parasitoid wasps (Braconidae: Doryctinae) from a Mexican nature reserve.
A. Zaldivar-Riverón, Mori, M., Quicke, D. L. J.2006Systematics of the cyclostome subfamilies of braconid parasitic wasps (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonoidea): A simultaneous molecular and morphological Bayesian
A. Zaldivar-Riverón, Shaw, M. R., Sáez, A. G., Mori, M., Belokobylskij, S. A., Shaw, S. R., Quicke, D. L. J.2008Evolution of the parasitic wasp subfamily Rogadinae (Braconidae): phylogeny and evolution of lepidopteran host ranges and mummy characteristics.
E. Zassi, Braet Y.2010Etude de la biodiversité des fourmis, Réserve Naturelle de Lesio-Louna (R. du Congo)
I. Zeisset, T. Als, D., Settele, J., Boomsma, J. J.2005Microsatellite markers for the large blue butterflies Maculinea nausithous and Maculinea alcon (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae) and their amplification in other Maculinea species
J. Zeng, He, J. - H., Chen, X. - X.2011The genera Deuterixys Mason, 1981 and Wilkinsonellus Mason, 1981 (Hymenoptera, Braconidae, Microgastrinae) from China, with description of two new species
H. - Y. Zhang, Chen, X. - X., He, J. - H.2006New species and records of the genus Chelonus Panzer, 1806 (Braconidae: Cheloninae) from China


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith