Doryctorgilus gen. nov. and other new taxa, with a study of the internal microsculpture of the ovipositor in the subfamily Orgilinae Ashmead (Hymenoptera: Braconidae)

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:2003
Authors:Y. Braet, van Achterberg C.
Journal:Zoologische Mededelingen Leiden
Keywords:Agathidinae, Agathidini, Agathis, Anstestrigini, Braconidae, Brazil, cladistic analysis, Colombia, Doryctorgilus, keys, Mesocoelina, Mimagathidini, Neotropical, new genus, new species, Orgilinae, Orgilini, ovipositor internal microsculpture, phylogeny

<p>One new monotypic genus of the subfamily Orgilinae Ashmead, 1900 (type species: D. morvanae spec. nov.), two new species of the genus Podorgilus van Achterberg, 1994 (P. nemorensis spec. nov. and P. luteus spec. nov.) and one new species of the genus Agathis Latreille, 1804 (A. depressifrons spec. nov.) are described. The internal microsculpture of the ovipositor in several genera of the subfamily Orgilinae has been examined and revealed several new features with a potentially high phylogenetic value. A cladistic analysis has been performed with some of these new character-states which corroborate the recognition of the tribe Mimagathidini Enderlein, 1905 (excluding the subtribe Mesocoelina Viereck, 1918), and support the division of this subfamily into three tribes. The study of the genera Bentonia and Stantonia showed the need of an accurate analysis to verify the status of the genus Bentonia.</p>

Wed, 2011-12-14 21:27 -- YBRAET
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