The European species of the subgenus Aliolus Say of the genus Eubazus Nees and of the genus Dicyrtaspis van Achterberg (Hymenoptera: Braconidae:

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:2003
Authors:C. van Achterberg
Journal:Zoologische Mededelingen Leiden
Keywords:Aliolus, Belgium, Brachistinae, Brachistini, Braconidae, Bulgaria, Dicyr- taspis, distribution, Eubazus, Europe, Germany, Helconinae, Hymenoptera, key, Netherlands, new species., palaearctic, Sweden, Triaspis thomsoni

The European species of the subgenus Aliolus Say, 1836, of the genus Eubazus Nees, 1814, and of the genus Dicyrtaspis van Achterberg, 1980 (Hymenoptera: Braconidae: Brachistinae) are reviewed. The identity of Triaspis thomsoni Fahringer, 1934, and the interpretation by S ˘noflák (1953) are discussed. A lectotype is designated for T. thomsoni, a neotype for the types species of Aliolus Say, 1836 (Bracon trilo- batus Say, 1836) and T. thomsoni sensu S ˘noflák is described as a new species (Eubazus nigroventralis spec. nov.) from Bulgaria, Germany and Czech Republic. Two new species of the E. lepidus-group are described and illustrated (E. punctifer cpec. nov. from Bulgaria and E. planifacialis spec. nov. from The Netherlands, Belgium and Sweden). In addition, a closely related species of the type species (and up to now only known species) of the genus Dicyrtaspis van Achterberg from Bulgaria is described and illustrated (D. aurantia spec. nov.). A key to the European species of the subgenus Aliolus Say, and of the genus Dicyrtaspis van Achterberg is added.

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