Le genre Phanerotomella Szépligeti, Généralités. Nouvelles espèces du Sud-Est Asiatique (Hym. Braconidae)

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:1978
Authors:B. Sigwalt
Journal:Ann. Soc. Entomol. Fr. (NS)
Keywords:Braconidae, Cheloninae, Hymenoptera, nouvelles espèces, Phanerotoma, Phanerotomella, redescriptions et nouveaux statuts, systématique

A brief historical review of ots generic diagnosis is given for Phanerotomella Szépligeti. For the oriental biogeographical area, two new species from Vietnam are described: P. barbierri and P. namkyensis and two other species are described: P. albipalpis (Cameron) and P. albiscapa (Ashmead). For the australian and polynesian areas, P. novaguinensis (Szepligeti) is reassigned to the genus Phanerotoma and Phanerotoma hawaiiensis Ashmead is considered as belonging to Phanerotomella. For the first time, biological data are given for a Phanerotomella species.

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