Revision of the genus Philoplitis Nixon (Hymenoptera, Braconidae, Microgastrinae)

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:2009
Authors:J. L. Fernandez-Triana, Goulet H.
Keywords:Afrotropical, Microgastrinae, Oriental, Philoplitis

T e genus Philoplitis Nixon is revised. T ree new species, P. masneri Fernández-Triana & Goulet, sp. n., P. punctatus Fernández-Triana & Goulet, sp. n., and P. striatus Fernández-Triana & Goulet, sp. n. are described, and a key is provided to the World species. T e genus, previously known only from the Ori- ental region, is here recorded from the Afrotropical region. Evidence suggests that its included species are broadly found in rainforest areas of the Old World tropics. Clarifi cation and suggestions about some character states previously used with Philoplitis within the context of Microgastrinae phylogenetic studies are also provided.

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