Venom gland and reservoir morphology of the genus Pseudoyelicones van Achterberg , Penteado-Dias & Quicke ( Hymenoptera : Braconidae : Rogadinae ) and implications for relationships

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:2004
Authors:B. Areekul, Zaldivar-Riverón, A., Quicke, D. L. J.
Journal:Zoologische Mededelingen Leiden
Keywords:Bulborogas, phylogeny, Pseudoyelicones, venom apparatus, Yelicones

The venom apparatus of Pseudoyelicones nigriscutum van Achterberg, 1997 (Braconidae: Rogadinae) is described and illustrated. The venom apparatus morphology of Pseudoyelicones is closely related to that of Bulborogas van Achterberg. Therefore, we propose a sister group relationship between these two genera.

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