Revision of Christophe FAYNEL (in English) from Sun, 2014-12-21 16:56

Christophe Faynel 2010 Nouragues Inselberg

German ; Espanol ; Français

Fascinated by butterflies since his childhood, Christophe Faynel studied mathematics in Saint-Etienne (France, Loire). During this period, he joined the Society of Natural Sciences of Loire Forez and met the late Roland Bérard, who helped his entomological training.

Christophe got his first job as a mathematics teacher in Iracoubo, in French Guiana. He discovered the entomological richness of this beautiful French department and quickly developed a passionate interest in the under-studied butterfly family Lycaenidae. He became acquainted with several local entomologists, especially Riodinidae expert Jean-Yves Gallard, who shared his 20 years of experience on the plants that attract adult butterflies and on the territorial behavior of males on hilltops. 

Christophe began doing research on Neotropical Lycaenidae and was supported in this endeavor by professor Jacques Pierre (MNHN, Paris).  He published his first article in 2000.  After 5 years of teaching in French Guiana, he returned to the south of France in 2002.  Christophe visited the major natural history museums (Paris, London, Washington) to work on the type material and has authored or co-authored fifteen papers so far.  He joined SEAG at its inception in 2007 and returns regularly to French Guiana to continue his field work.

  • Taxonomic expertise : Eumaeini (Lepidoptera, Lycaenidae, Theclinae).
  • Field of expertise : morphology, systematics, biology and biogeography.
  • Entomological activities : collecting, breeding, publishing taxonomic and faunistic papers, DNA barcoding.
  • Other studied groups : -
  • Studied zones : French Guiana and South of America.

Publications :

  • 11 taxonomic articles :
    • 16 new species described from French Guiana
    • 23 new species described from South America
    • 7 faunistic articles on French Guiana Lycaenidae

List of publications

[1] Faynel, C. & Johnson, K., 2000. – A new species of Strymon Hübner from French Guiana (Lepidoptera, Lycaenidae). Bulletin de la Société Entomologique de France, 105(4): 375-379.

[2] Faynel, C., 2001. – Affiche “PAPILLONS DIURNES de GUYANE : Lycaenidae”. Publiée par l’auteur, juin 2001.

[3] Faynel, C., Brévignon, C. & Johnson, K., 2003. – The Infratribe Strephonina in French Guiana with description of news species (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae: Theclinae). Lambillionea, 103(1): Supplément, 32 pp.

[4] Faynel, C., 2003. – Cinq années d’observation sur les Theclinae de Guyane française (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae). Bulletin des Lépidoptéristes Parisiens, hors-série : Lépidoptères de Guyane, pp. 49-62.

[5] Faynel, C. & Bálint, Z., 2004. – Supplementary information on neotropical Eumaeini primary type material and further historical specimens deposited in the Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle, Paris (Lycaenidae, Theclinae). Bulletin de la Société Entomologique de France, 109(3): 263-286.

[6] Faynel, C., 2004. – Les Theclinae de Guyane française (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae). Insectes de Guyane : Beauté et diversité. Gombauld et al., 2004. SEPANGUY, Collection Nature Guyanaise, Cayenne, pp. 125-129.

[7] Faynel, C., 2005. – Note sur les Theclinae de Guyane (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae). Lambillionea, 105(3): 494-499.

[8] Faynel, C., 2006. – Le genre Oenomaus Hübner, 1819, en Guyane française (Lepidoptera, Lycaenidae). Bulletin de la Société Entomologique de France, 111(2): 137-156.

[9] Faynel, C., 2006. – 2ème note sur les Theclinae de Guyane (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae). Lambillionea, 106(4): 603-606.

[10] Faynel, C., 2007. – Thecla floreus Druce, 1907, et T. melleus Druce, 1907, révision de leur statut (Lepidoptera, Lycaenidae). Bulletin de la Société Entomologique de France, 112(1): 9-15.

[11] Faynel, C., 2008. – Le genre Oenomaus Hübner, 1819, en Guyane française. 2e partie (Lepidoptera, Lycaenidae). Bulletin de la Société Entomologique de France, 113(1): 15-32.

[12] Faynel, C. & , Moser, A., 2008. – The neotropical genus Oenomaus Hübner with the description of eight new species belonging to the atena group (Lepidoptera, Lycaenidae). Lambillionea, 108(2): Supplément I, 36 pp.

[13] Bálint, Z. & Faynel, C., 2008. – Review of the genus Brangas Hübner, 1819 (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae) with descriptions of a new genus. Annales historico-naturales musei nationalis hungarici 100: 271-306.

[14] Faynel, C., 2009. – Un nouveau Megathecla de Guyane (Lepidoptera, Lycaenidae, Theclinae, Eumaeini). Lambillionea, 109(4): 494-499.

[15] Faynel, C., 2010. – 3ème note sur les Theclinae de Guyane (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae). Lambillionea, 110(1): 9-16.

[16] Faynel, C., Busby, R. C., Moser, A. & Robbins, R. K., 2011. – Species level taxonomy of the Neotropical hairstreak genus Porthecla (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae: Theclinae: Eumaeini). Annales de la Société Entomologique de France 47(1-2): 241-259.PDF

[17] Faynel, C. & , Moser, A., 2011. – Three new Strephonota species from Peru (Lepidoptera, Lycaenidae, Theclinae, Eumaeini). Lambillionea, 111(2): 173-178.

[18] Faynel, C. & Balint, Z., 2012. – An overview of alar organs in French Guiana hairstreaks (Lepidoptera : Lycaenidae : Theclinae, Eumaeini). Lépidoptères, hors-série : Lépidoptères de Guyane, tome 5, Lycaenidae, janvier 2012, ISBN : 2-9525440-5-0, pp. 46-54.

[19] Faynel C., Busby R. C. & Robbins R. K. 2012. Review of the species level taxonomy of the neotropical butterfly genus Oenomaus (Lycaenidae, Theclinae, Eumaeini). ZooKeys 222: 11–45. PDF

[20] Faynel, C. & Fernandez, S., 2013. – Note d’élevage : Ostrinotes tarena (Hewitson, 1874) (Lepidoptera, Lycaenidae, Theclinae). Lambillionea, 113(1): 66-68.

[21] Faynel, C. & Benéluz, F., 2013. – Note d'élevage sur deux lycènes en Guyane Rekoa stagira (Hewitson, 1867) et Celmia celmus (Cramer, 1775) (Lepidoptera, Lycaenidae, Theclinae). Lambillionea, 113(2): 141-144.

List of described species


Strymon gallardi Faynel et Johnson, 2000
Strephonota bicolorata Faynel, 2003
Strephonota jyg Faynel, 2003
Strephonota falsistrephon Faynel et Brévignon, 2003
Zigirina palanbala Faynel, 2003
Ostrinotes splendida Johnson et Faynel, 2003
Oenomaus isabellae Faynel, 2006
Oenomaus poirieri Faynel, 2008
Oenomaus brulei Faynel, 2008
Oenomaus gaia Faynel, 2008
Oenomaus ambiguus Faynel, 2008
Oenomaus melleus guyanensis Faynel, 2008
Oenomaus jauffreti Faynel & Moser, 2008
Oenomaus taua Faynel & Moser, 2008
Oenomaus nigra Faynel & Moser, 2008
Oenomaus druceus Faynel & Moser, 2008
Oenomaus griseus Faynel & Moser, 2008
Oenomaus magnus Faynel & Moser, 2008
Oenomaus morroensis Faynel & Moser, 2008
Oenomaus curiosa Faynel & Moser, 2008
Brangas rambutorum Bálint & Faynel, 2008
Brangas insolitus Bálint & Faynel, 2008
Brangas moserorum Bálint & Faynel, 2008
Brangas neildonatus Bálint & Faynel, 2008
Megathecla corentini Faynel, 2009
Porthecla peruensis Faynel & Moser, 2011
Porthecla forasteira Faynel & Moser, 2011
Porthecla willmotti Busby, Faynel & Moser, 2011
Porthecla prietoi Faynel & Busby, 2011
Porthecla annette Faynel & Robbins, 2011
Porthecla johanna Faynel & Robbins, 2011
Strephonota buechei Faynel & Moser, 2011
Strephonota caeruleus Faynel & Moser, 2011
Strephonota berardi Faynel & Moser, 2011
Oenomaus mancha Busby & Faynel, 2012
Oenomaus gwenish Robbins & Faynel, 2012
Oenomaus lea Faynel & Robbins, 2012
Oenomaus myrteana Busby, Robbins & Faynel, 2012
Oenomaus mentirosa Faynel & Robbins, 2012
Oenomaus andi Busby & Faynel, 2012
Oenomaus moseri Robbins & Faynel, 2012

List of dedicated species


Theope fayneli Gallard, 2002
Euselasia fayneli Gallard, 2006
Theope christophi Jauffret, 2002

[English translation checked by R. K. ROBBINS]

Taxonomic name: 
Sun, 2014-12-21 16:50 -- YBRAET
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